Greenwood County Commissioners Discussed Regular Business
Interim Road and Bridge Supervisor John Schouten provided the Road and Bridge report Monday, September 18. Schouten shared that the bridge at 250th and DD Road was needing assessed. He noted that this could potentially be moved to the top of the priority list due to the condition. Schouten shared that he had found a 2017 International truck, located in Topeka and listed on Purple Wave Auction, that he is looking into. He noted that no employee had been to look at this as of Monday morning. Schouten shared that progress continues at the Tadpole Creek crossing. Bids from Everitt Concrete for the Snell Bridge and Short bridge (located near Hamilton) were provided to commissioners for review. Discussion of plans for the Short bridge included work to prevent washouts. Work has been completed to the 140th Street bridge project. The crossing is currently in the curing stage. Commissioners approved the bid of $26,000 from Drew Ramsey of Everitt Concrete for repair of the Short bridge. Commissioners will continue reviewing the proposal for the Snell bridge. Schouten shared that forestry head was received and has been utilized in operations.
09/19/2023 11:00 PM