City Of Eureka Heard PER Presentation
Bruce Boettcher and Thaniel Monaco with BG Consultants were present last Monday, August 28 to discuss the Wastewater Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) and provide an update in regards to the previously presented PER on the potable water system. Aging infrastructure was referenced during discussion. It was noted that roughly 30,719 linear feet of main line and area manholes had formerly been replaced with PVC pipe/ pre-cast concrete, with 3,580 linear feet having been lined with Cured-inplace- pipe (CIPP) material. As such, 80,336 linear feet of verified clay pipe (VCP) remain. This portion of the line is over 50 years old, and as such, improvements have been recommended to deter any further deterioration of the line. It was recommended that CCTV - running a camera through the line-be conducted to pinpoint any defects and better determine the scope of work.
09/05/2023 04:00 AM