Commissioners Held Routine Meeting Followed By Election Canvass
The Road and Bridge report was provided by Superintendent John Schouten, during the routine weekly Greenwood County Commission meeting on Monday of this week. Schouten reported that inventory was started Monday morning, due to the rain. Bids for culverts were provided for commission review. He is looking to compare the price for culverts to previously submitted numbers for steel pipe. All culvert bids received were for 14-gauge. Following comparison of figures and review of local vs non-local vendors, commissioners approved to proceed with the bid from Coyote Culvert and Pipe Company for the amount of $14,374.50. Commissioner Preston Evenson noted that the county could consider reinforcing the ends of culverts to prevent them from being crushed. Commissioner Mac Obourn asked that ‘Bridge Out’ signs be put up for the bridge on 60th Street west of J Road. Road and Bridge will look to address this. Greenwood County Fire Chief Glen Collinge presented a request for the county to pay half of the total cost for purchase of headsets for Madison Fire. Collinge noted that these help with safety and communication. He shared that the contribution amount would total $2,500. Commissioners approved contributing towards the purchase. This would afford for the purchase of three sets. Collinge noted while present that Fall River and Piedmont Fire departments do not have headsets. He will be looking at needs and cost to potentially bring numbers back to commissioners. Collinge shared that the recently held live fire training proved to be very beneficial.
11/21/2023 11:00 PM