Two New Members Selected to Join County 4-H Ambassador Team
This past week, the Greenwood County 4-H Ambassador Team interviewed two applicants and selected both to join their team. The two new team members are Brooke Gaines, a member of the Madison Pacesetters 4-H Club, and Addison Westerman, a member of the Racing Wranglers 4-H Club. The current team is made up of Lyle Perrier and Hannah Perrier both members of the Racing Wranglers 4-H Club, and TJ Mills and Corinne Nelson both members of the Fancy Mustangs 4-H Club. “We are very excited about adding Brooke and Addison to the team and the high-quality group Greenwood County has to represent and promote our county’s 4-H,” stated Agriculture and Natural Re-sources Extension Agent Ben Sims.
09/19/2023 11:00 PM