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Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 6:02 PM


Area Communities Planning Annual Homecoming Activities
Area Communities Planning Annual Homecoming Activities
Two communities, Eureka and Howard, are planning events to coincide with their school’s annual homecoming events. 09/12/2023 11:00 PM
Commissioners Heard Issue Regarding Utility Bill Payments
Commissioners Heard Issue Regarding Utility Bill Payments
Health Department Director Vicki Lindsey brought an issue before commissioners for consideration on Monday, September 11. Lindsey notified commissioners that her department keeps getting assessed late fees for a utility bill. As this has been a persisting issue, with late fees of roughly $9.99 being charged, Lindsey asked if another method of payment could be utilized to avoid this - requesting that they consider affording her office to pay the utility bill by card. She noted that this has been an issue as long as she has worked for the county and this has an impact on the budget. As potential solutions were discussed, it was shared that it was believed that utilities must be approved according to state statute. All departments receiving a late fee for utilities are to be considered and Legal Counsel Paul Dean was asked to look into creating a solution for this issue. 09/12/2023 11:00 PM
Eureka City Council Discussed Recommendation For Wastewater And Water System Improvements
Eureka City Council Discussed Recommendation For Wastewater And Water System Improvements
A special meeting of the Eureka City Council was called for Tuesday, September 5 to afford for continued discussion of recommended improvements to the water and wastewater systems. 09/12/2023 11:00 PM
Kansas Counties Impacted By Continued Drought Conditions
Kansas Counties Impacted By Continued Drought Conditions
Despite drizzle throughout the majority of the day on Monday of this week, Greenwood County (and the majority of Kansas) is still experiencing high drought levels. 09/12/2023 11:00 PM
Marion’s Is National News, But Kansas Is Rich With Small-Town Papers. Meet The Lucas-Sylvan News -
Marion’s Is National News, But Kansas Is Rich With Small-Town Papers. Meet The Lucas-Sylvan News -
LUCAS — Another 50 subscriptions would help Rita Sharp sustain her small-town newspaper. Sharp has owned the weekly Lucas-Sylvan News since 2012. It covers the towns of Lucas in Russell County and Sylvan Grove, 12 miles away in Lincoln County. 09/05/2023 04:00 AM
K- State
K- State
As rising costs continue to hit Americans’ pocketbooks, let’s highlight some easy ways that can help you save on your energy bill. A good place to start is knowing what your costs are, and whether they are trending up or down. Your cost per kilowatt hour (kWh) that you see on your energy bill can change independently of the other rates. In order to figure out your cost per kilowatt hour, take the electricity charge divided by the electricity used. This can help you figure out how much each kilowatt of energy costs. 09/05/2023 04:00 AM
Rockin’ Robin!
Rockin’ Robin!
If you’ve read my editorial within the last year, it comes as no surprise that this year has been a struggle for yours truly. Whether it be personal or work related, there have been many hurdles that have been thrown my way. From trying to adapt my work schedule to accommodate now having a junior high student to dealing with constant price increases merged with a decrease in subscriptions, the road has not been smooth. I’m confident that I will adapt the scheduling piece (it might be in 2030 when the youngest graduates, but we will get there), but to be a successful small business owner, adaptation is a daily need. Knowing that I tend to add more to my plate than can be done in a given day, a friend asked me recently, “Why do you set yourself up for failure?” They weren’t being crass, but rather were pointing out the fact that it’s impossible to do all the things, be all the places and still have a healthy personal/work life balance. I say this every year, but, I truly am working on boundaries and/or limits. Spending more time at a golf course, making time for ‘me-time’ and ensuring that I don’t get the computer out while spending time with family. Setting boundaries is a necessity and I’m working on doing that as well. I know I will never cover all the things that people “expect,” but, I will always do my best to cover the communities that I love being a part of. But, I will put boundaries in place to ensure that I can get the needed pieces to fit within the daily puzzle. I know I will miss the days of running from activity to activity one day, so, here’s to taking in all the memories of having two boys at home. 09/05/2023 04:00 AM
Coffee Shop Talk
Coffee Shop Talk
A place for our readers to get to know each other! 09/05/2023 04:00 AM
September Is Library Card Sign Up Month
September Is Library Card Sign Up Month
Eureka Public Library is joining libraries all across the nation in celebrating “Library Card Sign Up Month” during September. While books are what most people traditionally think of when picturing libraries, today’s modern libraries offer so much more. Library Director Connie Mitchell noted that signing up for a free library card at Eureka Public Library means books, videos, audiobooks, magazines, newspapers and cake pans can be checked out. In addition, the public can use computers; access the Wi-Fi 24 hours a day; do printing, copying and faxing; receive digital items through Cloud Library and Hoopla; use databases through the Kansas State Library; sign up for Talking Books (a free service for persons with visual and other impairments); create something using the new Makerspace; have a test proctored; or host a gathering in the meeting room. “A library card can be one of the most valuable and useful cards you will ever carry,” Mitchell stated. To encourage persons who may not already have a library card to sign up for one, Eureka Public Library will be giving away a “Greenwood County Libraries – Discover Your Next Chapter” book bag with every new card during September and each new card holder will be entered into a drawing for a special prize. Mitchell emphasized, “The library is a tremendous community resource in terms of the services we offer and our special programming events. We hope those persons who don’t currently use the library will come in, sign up for a card, and discover how useful the library can be in their lives.” 09/05/2023 04:00 AM

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