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Monday, October 7, 2024 at 9:39 PM

Speaking Truth

CLAY CENTER – Did you know there are many things we cannot explain? Like dark matter in our universe. We know it exists, but unsure what it is and where it exists. Did you also know what the least explored part of the earth is? The deep sea, where depths can reach seven miles. Only two humans have ever traveled there. The whole region is a mystery to scientists.

CLAY CENTER – Did you know there are many things we cannot explain? Like dark matter in our universe. We know it exists, but unsure what it is and where it exists. Did you also know what the least explored part of the earth is? The deep sea, where depths can reach seven miles. Only two humans have ever traveled there. The whole region is a mystery to scientists.

Do you know what the greatest mystery to the Christmas story is? The virgin birth. It is a mystery to both theologians and scientists. How can a woman become pregnant without the sperm of a man? But the virgin birth is beyond mysterious, it is miraculous, and it is the very center of the Christmas story, for without it, there would be no Christmas.

The virgin birth is the way in which Jesus came from heaven to earth. It was how God became a man and humbly lived among us. One of Jesus’ Apostles wrote of this, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) Often Jesus referred to Himself as being sent by His Father in heaven, “For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.” (John 6:38) Jesus eternally existed in heaven until one marvelous day. It was then He left His Father and the angels in His celestial home, to become a seed planted inside of a young virgin’s womb. I cannot imagine what heaven must have been like, seeing Him go. And Mary became God’s chosen instrument to bring His Son into the world. She was a woman in her teenage years when she and her fiancĂ©, Joseph, were preparing to wed. It was during this time Mary had an encounter that would change her life and the world, forever. An angel appeared to her and communicated a message from the Lord God. '…you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus' (Luke 1:31). Thinking logically, Mary could not understand. She replied to the angel, 'How will this be, since I am a virgin?' (Luke 1:34). The angel explained, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy—the Son of God…For nothing will be impossible with God' (Luke 1:35, 38).

The virgin birth was necessary because of who Jesus was; a holy, perfect, and sinless Man. And God the Father chose Mary to bring Him into the world. She was faithful Him, and had never lain with a man. Though Mary was not sinless, God made her holy, which prepared her to receive the Son of God.

The virgin birth was also necessary because of the cross. For only Jesus could have died and rose again to provide forgiveness of sins for the world. In all the universe there was no one so good, so right as He. There would be no cross and no resurrection, if there was no virgin birth.

The birth of Christ is no myth, legend or allegory. It is a historical fact, albeit, a miraculous one. No scientist can explain or fully understand it. It is a complete miracle in how a virgin can give birth to a child. Do you believe in the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ? Jesus came from heaven to earth for you and your household. For it is only through His birth and resurrection, both miracles, that you can have the hope of forgiveness and be spared from the judgment of God.

A prayer for you - Lord God, I pray you will help us to believe in the virgin birth of your Son. It is a miracle. It defies human logic. How could this be? Help us to believe and fully yield our lives to you. For you are the God of the impossible. Do the impossible within us, and change our hearts this very hour. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Clint Decker is President of Great Awakenings. Please share your comment at [email protected] and follow his blog at clintdecker.blogspot.com. Join Clint on a journey to Israel in November 2024. Go to greatawakenings. org for information.



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