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Monday, October 7, 2024 at 4:32 PM

Greenwood County Commissioners Discussed Regular Business

During his regular report on Monday, December 11, Road and Bridge Superintendent John Schouten provided an update to commissioners in regards to ongoing items and regular operations.

During his regular report on Monday, December 11, Road and Bridge Superintendent John Schouten provided an update to commissioners in regards to ongoing items and regular operations.

The bridge located at U Road and 100th Street was revisited. Schouten reported that he had talked to contracted engineer Michael Maris about the crossing and an off-system bridge grant was applied for. Schouten told commissioners that this is a 95-5 grant: the grant would cover 95% of the project and the county would be responsible for 5% of the construction project. Commissioners asked that Schouten contact Maris for additional information. Emergency Management Director Levi Vinson recommended that they verify eligibility as some grants do not accept applications for projects in the FEMA submission process.

In regards to the 2017 Kenworth, Schouten told commissioners that an updated bid was received for an additional fuel pump replacement. This took the former bid, received at approximately $16,000 (approved at previous meeting), to $18,224.63. Commissioners noted that they thought the previous bid had quoted for two already. Schouten was asked to clarify this. Commissioners approved the expenditure for contingency.

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Should there be no error in the quote submitted, they will proceed with the repairs.

One bid was received for the Baker’s Bridge project for the amount $47,500 from Day’s Dirtwork Plus. Commissioner Preston Evenson spoke in favor of the county performing needed digging in-house. After Schouten commented that he could discuss the potential of this with the company, he shared that the total quoted for dirt work had been $3,500. As this was weighed and measured, commissioners Ben Fox and Roy Ballard noted that for the given project, it made more sense to have the company perform the dirt work. Commissioners approved to proceed with the bid 4-1, Evenson voting opposed.

Tina Kastning with the Salt Springs Township was present at the commission meeting Monday morning for questions related to ongoing issues with the board. After expressing appreciation for those county representatives who attended their meeting for audit presentation, Kastning referenced items that had historically not been done correctly by the township and stated that she is going to be running the township in accordance to state statutes. She then explained that issues were persisting and sought guidance from county officials. As Kastning described the issues being faced, Commissioner Evenson noted that training is available for new commissioners and suggested that Kastning reach out to see if this is available for township members to attend, as helpful information may be learned. When it was noted that something should be able to be done if a township board member “running amuck” with spending, three options were noted to Kastning: resignation of the member, recall election and the township filing suit. Kastning noted that she would like for the member to perform their job, but she is unable to trust them with the township’s money. Kastning expressed readiness to resolve the matter, even if it were through legal action.

While present, Kastning discussed the intersection of 40th and Y50 Road. After sharing that there is a new culvert laying near the intersection, Kastning told Road Superintendent Schouten that culvert installation is needed at the location. Kastning added that she believed the township had purchased the new culvert laying at the site and noted this could be used if it were the correct size.

A letter from a Twin Grove Township resident was read by commissioners. Within the letter, the resident references issues with washouts on the section of Y Road which they own a residence along, and explains that they are unable to access their cabin. The resident relayed in the letter that they have talked to the township about resolving this, with no action being taken to abate it. After discussing the potential of the commission contacting the township in regards to the matter, officials concluded the subject by asking Schouten to visit and assess the site.

Greenwood County Fire Chief Glen Collinge presented a request for the purchase of wheels and tires for Salem Fire for the amount of $6,750. Commissioners approved the item, with Evenson abstaining due to his role with Salem Fire.

On behalf of Pete’s, formerly Johnson’s General Store, Kevin Cole appeared by Zoom to request waver of the tipping fee. Cole shared that intentions are for the old motel located at 119 W. River Street to be demolished. According to Cole, the goal is to have the structure torn down the week after Christmas. The business’s long-term plan is investing in the site through development. Cole told commissioners that they are also wanting to acquire the corner property, but they have had no luck to date. After Cole noted that they are looking to clean up the corner, commissioners approved waiving the tipping fee.

EMS/Ambulance Director Brian Mongeau and Sheriff Heath Samuels revisited persisting issues with faxing. Samuels shared that a couple of weeks ago, Granite, the service provider, said the issue was fixed, however issues are still being experienced. Samuels reported that when attempting to fax EMS, it works during the day, but will not send at night. Fox asked that the time frame faxing doesn’t work be pin pointed. County representatives will continue attempting to address the issue.

The Glover Subdivision was reviewed as a request was submitted for a new road plat in section 4-28-12. Register of Deeds Marsha Ramsey reviewed the map and legal description with commissioners. As she did so, Ramsey informed Legal Counsel Paul Dean of errors needing addressed in documentation. Needed corrections are to be made to documentation.

Ramsey shared that documents referencing the path in question was closed in 1948, as a vacated road that has been “contentiously” used by the owner of the property at the southwest quarter of section four. Shawna Griffitts with the Appraiser’s Office noted that it appears the neighboring property owner to the south pays property taxes on this. Because the road was vacated, there is not an easement. Dean noted that this would be between the property owners.

During discussion of the upcoming EMR class, Mongeau shared that roughly 15 individuals are anticipated to attend.

Fox presented a request on behalf of Tyson Rucker with Home Bank and Trust Co. Fox noted that the bank is in the process of purchasing a property to demolish a structure and asked that tipping fees be waived for disposal at the landfill. The property address was shared as 111 W. 1st Street. No action was taken during Monday’s meeting. Commissioners expressed that they wanted to wait for official ownership to be taken by the bank.

The annual calendar, reflecting such items as holidays and pay periods, was presented, reviewed and approved. Commissioners are slated to review the county handbook at a later date. In light of upcoming holidays, no commission meeting will be held Monday, December 25 or Monday, January 1. The commission year-end meeting is slated for December 29. Regular Monday morning meetings will then resume January 8.

Commissioners approved the CMB license for Tri-Corner. This will now proceed to the area township for final approval.

Payables in the amount of $137,640.66 were approved.

Special payables for the amount of $545.88 were approved Payroll in the amount of $164,038.63 was approved.

Minutes of the December 4 meeting were approved as written.

Commissioners were slated to hold a fence viewing, following this week’s regular meeting.

A 10-minute executive session for non-elected personnel related to evaluation was held. Following the return to regular session, no decisions were made.

The next meeting of the Greenwood County Commissioners will be held on Monday, December 18.



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