With continuous issues with the sewer line at the Greenwood County Courthouse, the courthouse will be closed this Friday, Jan. 31, to allow crews to dig up the flooring to expose the sewer line and begin needed repairs. Crews had begun the process and worked over the weekend, but the process was too disruptive for other departments.
Currently, restrooms on the main level are closed due to the sewer issue. Discussion was held regarding other facility restrooms and the potential need for utilizing portable restrooms in the future, noting an upcoming jury trial.
Greenwood County Community Center
Serving as a spokesperson for the Greenwood County Community Center (GC3), Jamie Lindamood provided an update to the commission. She shared that a contract was signed for an engineer by the Greenwood County Fair Association to assess the future track renovation and do drainage plans. Lindamood noted that a new roof would be installed in the coming months, and they were seeking bids on insulation and repairs to red iron. Plans are also in the works for updates to the electrical and mechanical systems at the facility. Lindamood then asked for the commission’s blessing in engaging the construction students at Eureka Junior/Senior High School to start construction at Eureka Downs.
Lindamood noted that the GC3 board had approved the construction that would create classrooms and a reception area in the current Braden Room. She also provided a cost estimate for the project, noting the cost at approximately $20,000. The project would also allow for office space to be constructed in the south portion, near the entrance, for office space, potentially for Greenwood County Extension.
Lindamood was not only hopeful for a blessing to proceed with construction but, was also asking for $8,951.53 to assist with expenses that were incurred in 2024. Commissioner Preston Evenson noted that he had conversations with Commissioner Mac Obourn who referenced paying a flat rate for renting the facility for the Greenwood County Fair. Although $10,000 was noted as a potential amount, the commission wanted additional time to research the topic and noted they would re-evaluate at their next meeting.
Discussion was then held regarding the facility, owned by the Greenwood County Fair Association (GCFA), and the multiple players that factor in the decisions as the GCFA, City of Eureka, Greenwood County and the Greenwood County 4-H Foundation signed a long-term agreement in Aug. 2023. As the conversation continued, County Counselor Paul Dean asked County Clerk Deann McCaffree to gather the details for review. No decisions were made.
Road and Bridge Report
Allen Greenwood, Road and Bridge Supervisor, stated he had been contacted by Ideatek, who was asking the county to waive the minimum 48” of burying cable. It was stated that Ideatek had previously buried cable near 155th Street and did not meet that requirement. A resolution that referenced the topic, for all county and township roads within Greenwood County, was addressed with the commission noting that a waiver wouldn’t be granted in this case and if cables weren’t at that depth would have to be redone at Ideatek’s expense.
Greenwood also provided an update on the bridge just north of the entrance of the Eureka County Club, and stated that repair work would begin in the near future.
Regarding the landfill, Greenwood stated they were in the process of updating the list of items that can be accepted at the county landfill, as the county can accept more items than are currently listed as acceptable. Greenwood hoped to have an updated list by the end of the week. Discussion was also held regarding the fees assessed for dumping. The county has charged $15 for what the commission believed to be a minimum of 20 years. Commissioner Ron Mast noted that other locations are more than double Greenwood County’s fees. Supervisor Greenwood noted that they were looking to increase the fee to $30 per load (up to one ton) but will evaluate once the list is complete.
Other Business
The commission approved entering an agreement with Jarred, Gilmore & Phillips, PA for 2025 for an estimated fee of $4,200 for budget and audit needs.
Special payables, for $1,000.23 and corrected payroll, for $3,679.53, were approved. Clerk Mc-Caffree noted that the error on payroll was due to incorrect dates being entered for elected officials who concluded their terms recently.
Commissioner Judd Everitt was appointed to the GC3 committee. He will fill the vacancy of former Commissioner Paul Hodge. Everitt was also appointed to serve as a commission representative for the Greenwood County Hospital.
Sheriff Heath Samuels presented an employment verification noting that he had hired Leonard Moore as jail administrator at $18.75/hour. This position has been vacant for approximately two years.
A five-minute executive session was held for legal matters with County Counselor Dean. No action was taken.
Greenwood County Emergency Management Director Levi Vinson presented two building permits to the commission. After both were confirmed not to be in a floodplain, both permits were approved.
The Greenwood County Commission will hold its next meeting on Monday, Feb. 3, at 9 a.m.