The Madison/Virgil USD 386 board of education meets on the second Monday of each month. The following report was generated from the unofficial minutes, which are subject to board approval.
Vice President Jannette Luthi called the meeting of the Madison/Virgil USD 386 Board of Education to order at 6:03 p.m. on Jan. 13. Dallas Luthi was absent.
The board held an executive session for 56 minutes to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel. No decisions were made after returning to open session.
J. Luthi presented a plaque to Gary Kile thanking him for his years of service on the Board.
Reorganization of the board was held with D. Luthi being named President and J. Luthi named Vice President. The newly elected officers were given the Oath of Office.
The December regular board meeting minutes, Business by Consent, current accounts payable totaling $205,352.84, Treasurer’s report and Activity Fund report were approved.
After discussion, the board approved the KASB Board Policy updates as presented, with the exception of the Fundraising policy.
Other discussion included; Food Service, Transportation, KESA and MES activities including Carla Argabright’s retirement reception and the Christmas programs.
Updates were given to the Board on MJSHS activities, including a winter formal instead of a winter royalty dance and the Senior trip.
After a 20-minute executive session to discuss personnel, the following employment changes were approved: Sabina Bolinger was hired as the Forensics coach, the contract for Schild was extended to the maximum amount allowed and approved the retirement of Superintendent Baird at the end of the 24-25 school year.
The next meeting of the Madison/Virgil USD 386 board will be held on Monday, Feb. 10.