The Harmony Sunflowers 4-H Club met for their monthly meeting on Dec. 7, at 11 a.m. in the basement of the Christ Lutheran Church, in Eureka. Eighteen members, three clover buds and three leaders r e sponded to roll call.
Acting secretaries Ruger Schouten and Noah Everly-Burtin read last month’s minutes.
Cody Johnson gave the treasurer’s report. Reports were given to the members on Breakfast with Santa and the club Christmas party. In new business, the club voted to pay the bills. They also voted to have a group compete in gavel games during club days. The members voted to get magnets for all 2025 club donors.
During recreation, the club members played a Christmas candy game. Duke Coulter led the club in singing “Jingle Bells.” Brody Rockhill gave a demonstration on how to make a candle from a fabric napkin.
After the meeting was adjourned, the members enjoyed breakfast items.
The next meeting will be on Saturday, Jan. 5 at 6 p.m. in the basement of Christ Lutheran Church.