The West Elk Patriot wrestling team traveled to Hillsboro on Friday, Dec. 20 for a duals tournament.
West Elk was open in nine of the 14 weight classes at the tournament, but still came away with victories against Hesston and Burlington.
The Patriots defeated Hesston, 24-18 and Burlington, 30-24. West Elk fell to Clearwater, 22-54; Minneapolis, 21-42; and Hillsboro, 29-36.
West Elk was open in the 113, 120, 126, 138, 144, 150, 157, 165 and 175 weight classes.
Following are the individual results for West Elk participants: 106: Welch Murphy won by fall over William Andreas (Hillsboro) Fall 1:21 and by default against Clearwater, Minneapolis, Hesston and Burlington 132: Morgan Anderson won by fall over Lukas Harred (Burlington) Fall 1:10; won by fall over Copeland Krause (Hillsboro) Fall 0:28; lost by fall to Wyatt Thompson (Clearwater) Fall 2:59; lost by fall to Brayton Peters (Minneapolis) Fall 0:55; and won by default against Hesston.
190: Boedy Murphy won by fall over Jake Leiser (Burlington) Fall 3:44; won a 21-6 tech fall over Jackson Kleiber (Hillsboro); won a 19-4 tech fall over Emilio Martin (Clearwater); won by fall over Robert Casey (Hesston) Fall 2:45; won by default against Minneapolis.
215: Joshua Patteson won by fall over Logan Rogers (Hillsboro) Fall 3:23; won a 22-3 tech fall over Dallen Kanngiesser (Clearwater); won a 9-6 decision over Bladen Johnson (Minneapolis); won by default against Hesston and Burlington.
285: Edward Metcalf won by fall over Cooper Woodruff (Clearwater) Fall 0:22; lost by fall to Brayden Large (Hesston) Fall 0:53; won by default against Burlington, Minneapolis and Hesston.
Up Next:
The West Elk Patriot wrestling team will travel to the Burlington Invitational on Saturday, Jan. 11, beginning at 9:30 a.m., before hosting the Patriot Classic on Thursday, Jan. 16, at 5:30 p.m.