The December meeting of the Eureka Music Club was held at Christ Lutheran Church on Monday, Dec. 9, with 13 members and five guests attending.
A short business meeting was held and then the afternoon was turned over to Robin Himes and Vandetta Monteau who introduced members who performed for the club.
The first performer was Pat Surber who sang “The Christmas Song” accompanied by Jean Edwards. Edwards followed with a piano solo of “Count Your Blessings” from the musi-cal “White Christmas.” Suber, along with daughter Heidi Surber and granddaughter Alexa Teichgraeber performed a trio rendition of “White Christmas.’ Himes and Mongeau presented a piano duet of “The Grinch.” Marla DeGraffenreid shared a piano solo of “He Is Born.” Carla Cook shared her favorite Christmas song entitled “Glow” by Brett Eldredge.
Members and guests enjoyed listening to this piece and Cook’s description of other pieces done by this artist.
Himes and Mongeau returned to play a second duet entitled “My Favorite Things” from “The Sound of Music.”
The final performer of the afternoon was Grace Stacy who played a piano solo entitled “Rise Up Shepherd and Follow.”
Following the program, members enjoyed refreshments prepared by hostesses Cook and Carolyn Perrier.
Several members and guests then went to the Greenwood County Historical Society Museum to tour the Christmas display.