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Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 9:15 AM

Toronto News

- by Kathy Cummings

Boy, the coyotes were sure noisy Sunday evening. While outside with the dogs, I could hear a bunch of coyotes west of town and heard more to the southwest and even more to the east. This was at sunset and were they ever noisy!

I received word last week of the passing of former Toronto resident Donald “Killer” Enos. He had lots of memories of his time in Toronto and still had friends here in town. He considered Toronto his hometown and even convinced his sister-in-law, Sharon Perez, that Toronto was a special place, via their many trips over here.

We offer our sympathy to “Killer’s” friends and family as well as the families and friends of Dail Westcott, Kathy Lou (Rogers) Cummings, David Hull and Donna Lee Hoffman. We offer our sympathy to all who lost loved ones this past week. May they all rest in peace.

Hello to all in area nursing and assisted living facilities. Hello also to all in area hospitals and rehab centers.

Of the following choices, which one would you say was the most popular cereal in the United States: Froot Loops, Lucky Charms, Raisin Bran or Cheerios?

Monarch butterflies are being put on the endangered species list. Milkweed is their plant of choice for the larvae to feast on and milkweed is destroyed by the thousands every year through the use of pesticides and clearing of weeds.

If you have even just a small yard, you can still plant some milkweed in a corner and do your part to save the Monarch butterflies. That is if you can find the seed. I have looked and every place I find, you have to buy several pounds of seed! I just want about two dozen seeds.

I am just getting into planting flowers and am trying to plant stuff that is beneficial to butterflies, honeybees and other pollinators. And . . . plant stuff that thrives on neglect! I am horrible when it comes to watering and caring for plants, so I need hearty, hard to kill plants and flowers.

Next week is Christmas! The following week is New Year’s Eve and day. If you plan on celebrating the holidays with booze, please have a designated driver! Remember you are not just putting your life at risk, but the lives of everyone else on the road!

Answer: Cheerios. Last week, I was having technical difficulties and forgot to end my column with a quote. I didn’t realize that until I read my column in the paper. Wade read my column in one paper and asked me if that was all of it, or did something get removed? I laughed and told him that nothing got cut from the column I just didn’t get it completed.

Deadlines and technical difficulties do not go together.

I saw a post on Facebook the other day that fits me. It said something about, “If you haven’t gotten a Christmas card from me this year, don’t feel bad and think you weren’t on the list. There was no list!” I haven’t sent out cards in years.

We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Quote: “It’s not your job to be likable. It’s your job to be yourself. Someone will like you anyway.” - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie



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