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Sunday, October 6, 2024 at 4:22 PM

Historical Events From October 1923

The month of October has been home to many historical events over the years. Here’s a look at some that helped to shape the world in October 1923.

The month of October has been home to many historical events over the years. Here’s a look at some that helped to shape the world in October 1923.

• Switzerland issues a new decree on October 1 that bans the display of fascist emblems or the wearing of black shirts. The decree is issued in response to fascists who wanted the region to join Italy.

• A standoff begins in the Kentucky State Penitentiary on October 3 after three convicted murderers obtain guns and kill three guards in an ultimately failed attempt to escape. Authorities eventually storm the barricaded inmates on October 6 and discover the inmates had been dead for about two days.

• John Charles Carter is born in Illinois on October 4. The boy ultimately adopts the screen name Charlton Heston and becomes an Academy Award-winning actor and influential political activist.

• Cao Kun is elected president of the Republic of China on October 5. Cao is deposed just 13 months later after revelations surface regarding a bribery scandal that calls his election into question.

• Boston Braves shortstop Ernie Padgett turns an unassisted triple play on October 6. To date, the feat has been accomplished just 15 times in Major League Baseball history.

• The first section of the Appalachian Trail opens on October 7. The initial stretch is a 16-mile path from Bear Mountain in New York to the Delaware Water Gap on the border of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. By 2023, the trail had grown to 2,194 miles.

• On October 10, the New York Yankees play the crosstown Giants in the first ever World Series game at Yankee Stadium. The Giants win the game when Casey Stengel hits an inside-the-park homerun with two outs in the top of the ninth inning.

• Nicaraguan President Diego Manual Chamorro dies suddenly on October 12. His Vice President, Bartolomé Martinez, cannot be found, forcing Interior Minister Rosendo Chamorro to serve as acting president. Martinez is eventually inaugurated as President of Nicaragua on October 27.

• A bomb explodes outside Cubs Park (now known as Wrigley Field) on October 14. No arrests are ultimately made, though the incident is attributed to union agitators angry at a decision by Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis, then commissioner of Major League Baseball.

• The Walt Disney Company is founded when 21-yearold Walt Disney and 30-yearold Roy O. Disney, Walt’s brother, sign a contract to produce the Alice Comedies film series.

• Roadside billboards are the target of a letter sent by the British Ministry of Transport on October 18. The letter alleges the billboards are disfiguring the picturesque English countryside and urges county councils to take action.

• New Jersey’s Albert Tangora sets the world record for fastest sustained typing on a manual typewriter on October 22. Tangora averages 147 words per minute over the course of one hour.

• The air force of the Kingdom of Bulgaria is wiped out on October 25 when the country’s lone army airplane crashes.

• The reigning monarch of Iran, Ahmad Shah Qajar, appoints Reza Khan as the country’s Prime Minister on October 28. Khan overthrows Ahmad Shah two years later.

• The Republic of Turkey is proclaimed on October 29, formally ending the Ottoman Empire.



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