– submitted by Sue Erickson, secretary After a chili luncheon, with Jello, punch and cookies, Joni Booth called the Dec. 5 WELCA meeting to order in the Bell Tower Room at the Christ Lutheran Church in Eureka.
Camille Frakes gave devotions from Malachi 3, “Messengers, Messages and Gifts of Love.”
Four members answered roll call with a Bible verse.
Sue Erickson, secretary, read the minutes of Nov. 7.
The treasurer’s report was given.
Correspondence was from SOS, ELCA newsletter and ELCA scholarship application.
New business included donations to Wellspring and Lutheran Disaster Relief Fund. Several additional donations were discussed.
The meeting adjourned and members shared a cookie exchange, later meeting at Greenwood County Hospital (GWCH) to see a member, who is recovering from surgery for a broken hip. They shared a plate of cookies and sang Christmas carols, celebrating Christmas with her.
The group will not meet in January. The next regular meeting will be held on Feb. 6, 2025. Erickson will give devotions and Booth will provide refreshments.