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Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 5:05 PM

Elk County Commission

The Elk County Commission meets weekly on Mondays at 1 p.m. The following article was created from the Nov. 12 meeting minutes, which were approved during a recent meeting.

Vice Chairman Doug Hendricks called the regular Elk County Commission meeting to order at 1 p.m. Commissioner Perry Russell was present as well as County Clerk Kerry Harrod and County Counselor Paul Dean.

EMS Director Gillian Beaumont stated a new PRN paramedic was hired. There will be an employee out on Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for 6 weeks. Beaumont is getting a quote on a blower motor for #205. Commissioners approved to hire Alexander McWilliams as a PRN paramedic at $20 per hour.

Deputy Appraiser Chris Miller presented a new Neighborhood Revitalization Plan (NRP) to the commission.

Emergency Management Director Erica Cordell attended the Healthcare Coalition meeting in Chanute on Oct. 29 and the monthly Kansas Emergency Management Association (KEMA) meeting in Allen County on Nov. 5. On Nov. 7, Cordell, Commissioner Hendricks, Shari Kaminska with Community Development, Kandy Dowell, and Jane Koster attended the Regional TTX exercise about water shortage in Chanute. This will credit the county towards the required exercises for the Emergency Management Preparedness Grant for 2024. All sirens passed the siren test on Nov. 12. The Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop was held. The commissions approved the purchase of a jetpack wireless router from Verizon to be added to Cordell’s cell phone line in the amount of $40. This will allow her to be able to work remotely during a call-out.

Commissioners approved the Intergovernmental Agreement with Montgomery County for household hazardous waste. Don Sanders with Public Works would like to have Todd Winscher with Rural Fire put up a fence around the county yard in Howard.

Stephanie Ollenborger with Register of Deeds presented the October report. There were a total of 43 instruments recorded and a total deposit of $2,410.75. Kaminska stated she has been working on the BASE Grant administration. The Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge will be Feb. 19 at West Elk. The purchase of a 1988 Hemmt 8x8 10ton truck, to be housed in Howard, in the amount of $35,000 was tabled until all commissioners are present. Sheriff John Walker hired Teely Signer as a full-time deputy. Deputy Signer will be attending Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC). Sheriff Walker stated the body cam grant in the amount of $16,000 has been approved. Sheriff Walker would like to replace the rotting sign in front of the Sheriff’s Office. The County Christmas Party will be Dec. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Flint Oak. The Commission recessed until 2 p.m. when Derrik Dick with Bukaty Insurance arrived. Dick presented health, dental, and vision insurance benefits. Commissioner Russell suggested a change to the

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agenda format. New business will start at 2 p.m. and agenda items will be listed with no time slot. The Twin Valley Broadband BEAD meeting was held in Grenola and in Longton. Scott Day with Day Insurance Solutions presented the health, dental and vision insurance renewal rates. It was approved to renew Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Vision Care Direct with no rate increase and Delta Dental with a 2.31% increase.

Two executive sessions were held with no action being taken, one for courthouse security with Dean and Sheriff Walker and the other for legal issues with Dean. A third executive session was held for non-elected personnel to discuss employee review with Sanders and Dean present. After returning to open meeting, the merit increase for Winscher, from $22.56 to $23.56 per hr., was approved. This will max out the pay scale for Winscher.

Payroll in the amount of $281,540.13 and warrants in the amount of $86,591.70 were approved.

Meeting adjourned.

Special Meeting

A special meeting of the Elk County Commission was held on Nov. 14 for the 2024 General Election Canvass. Commissioners checked each ballot for validity using Chapter 3 of the Kansas Election Standards as guidance. Out of thirtyfive ballots, thirteen were accepted. Twelve ballots were processed through the tabulator and totals were added to Certificate of Votes Cast form as well as the permanent abstract book. Qualifying write-in names were added to the tally sheet books as well as the one hand count ballot. The Commission signed the permanent abstract book making the results official.

The next Elk County Commission meeting is scheduled for Monday, Dec. 9.



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