The Eureka Cheer squad made history last Saturday, Nov. 23, as they claimed third place at 2A State Cheer in Topeka.
Eureka advanced to the finals round where they tallied 86.57 points. The Tornadoes scored 42.30 in the crowd leading and 44.27 in the band chant and fight song.
Oskaloosa won the 2A contest with a score of 92.90. Cair Paravil Latin School was second with 91.57 and Plainville was fourth with 85.43.
Eureka was also third in the qualifying rounds, scoring 193.9, behind Cair Paravil (198.45) and Oskaloosa (195.9). The Torna-does scored the highest of 19 teams in the fight song with 64.250. Cair Paravil had the highest score in the band chant and crowd leading cheers.
Additional photos from the state contest can be found on page 6 of this week’s edition.
A special congratulatory page will be included in the Dec. 4 edition. If you would like to be included, email Robin Wunderlich at news@eurekaherald. com or call our office at 620-583-5721. Deadline to be included is Wednesday, Nov. 27.
Pictured from left to right are front row: seniors Cheyenne Gardner, Olivia Valentine and Charlotte Pfister; and back row: coach Anna Noble, freshman Monica Sanchez, sophomores Sara Endress and Lizzy Foth, juniors Ava Noble and Taryn Burk, sophomore Kimber Olsen, juniors Miley Baumgartel and Addison Westerman and freshman Lylly Stapleford.