The South-Central Border League (SCBL) recently released its special teams for the 2024 season, with several area athletes receiving honors.
1st Team: from West Elk: seniors Creyo Koop (Back), Trent Haag (Back) and Josh Patteson (Offensive Lineman (OL)); from Argonia/Attica: junior Carson Vineyard (Back); from Cedar Vale/Dexter (CVD): sophomores Cooper Criss (Back), Macerick Schalk (End/Wide Receiver (WR)); from Oxford: seniors Cordell Jordan (Back), Pearson Rush (OL) and Johnathan Schroeder (Back); from Sedan: senior Lucky Cherico (OL); from South Sumner: senior Alex Shore (End/ WR and sophomore Mark Blosser (Back).
2nd Team: from West Elk: senior Maddex Moreno (Back) and junior: Garrett Usry (End/WR); from Argonia/Attica: senior Josh Gregg (OL); from CVD: junior Royce Potter (Back) and sophomore Jaylen Harris (End/ WR); from Central Burden: senior Austin Johnson (Back); from Oxford: senior Haiden Moore (OL); from Udall: junior Hayden Green (OL).
Honorable Mention: from Argonia/Attica: senior Lincoln Warner (OL); from Central Burden: seniors Ramon Lopez, (OL) and Ramon Lopez (OL); from South Sumner: senior Colby Irey (Back); from Udall: junior Roman Arnoldy (End/WR) and sophomore Phillip Webb (Back).
1st Team: From West Elk: seniors Creyo Koop (Line Backer (LB)), Trent Haag Defensive Back (DB), Andruw Rodriquez (Defensive Lineman (DL)) and junior Garrett Usry (DB); from Argonia/Attica: junior Carson Vineyard (LB); from CVD: sophomore John Hess (DL); from Oxford: senior Cordell Jordan (LB), junior Pearson Rush (DL), and sophomore Tyler Brown (DL); from Sedan: senior Lucky Cherico (DL); from South Sumner: seniors Tanner Kelly (LB) and Alex Shore (DB).
2nd Team: From Flinthills: sophomore Tripp Carney (LB); from CVD: junior Royce Potter (DB) and sophomore Macerick Schalk (DB); from Central Burden: senior Dante Henley (DB); from Sedan: sophomore Ethan Zimmerman (LB).
Honorable Mention: From West Elk: senior Maddex Moreno (LB); from CVD: juniors Wyatt Martin, (LB) and Jaylen Harris (LB); from Central Burden: senior Austin Johnson (DB); from South Sumner: sophomore Maddox Pond (DB).
Special Teams
Special team honors went to: 1st Team: From West Elk: senior Koop (Returner); from Flinthills: junior Parker Sutton (Kicker); from South Sumner: senior Alex Shore (Punter).