It seems crazy to think that we are in the next to last month of 2024 and close to officially being in the holiday season. Throughout the month of November, many share their blessings, making sure to count them or acknowledge the many blessings around us. Have you ever stopped to think about the countless blessings that get taken for granted daily? Over the years, we have been blessed with technology that aids in making our daily lives easier. From vehicles to air fryers and so much in between, there are blessings that we often take for granted. We don’t truly realize how much they benefit us until they aren’t working to their full capabilities. If you haven’t already started thinking of your blessings, I encourage you to begin doing so as Thanksgiving is just over a week away.
Our office will be closed next Thursday and Friday for staff to be with family this Holiday season. Deadline for the Dec. 4 edition will be next Wednesday, Nov. 26. We will also have special deadlines for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. With both falling on Wednesdays this year, our print deadlines have been moved up a few days. Deadline for the Dec. 25 edition will be Tuesday, Dec. 17 and deadline for the Jan 1 edition will be Friday. Dec. 20.
Robin Wunderlich
Quote of the Week “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~ Melody Beattie