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Monday, January 20, 2025 at 7:57 AM

County Commissioners Approved Insurance Renewal Through Blue Cross And Blue Shield

Scott Day, with Day Insurance was present at the Greenwood County Commission meeting Tuesday, Nov. 12 to continue discussion from last week pertaining to two options for coverage. Day provided commissioners with a spread sheet, but was unable to get any additional information from Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS). So, he was not able to provide more specific figures for commissioners as requested.

There would be a 6.5% decrease through Corporate Plan Management (CPM), should the county proceed with moving away from BCBS. It was shared last week that BCBS would be comparable to the current year’s rate. Rates for employees would be determined based on the commissioners’ decision in regards to contribution. The county has previously budgeted dollars to avoid a sizeable increase in benefit rates on the employee end. Day noted for pharmacy through CPM, there would be a co-pay plan in place.

When asked his thoughts, Sheriff Heath Samuels commented he had done research and reached out to people who assured him it was a good plan. Samuels, however, noted he hadn’t had time to run it by his staff.

Premium rates and options were reviewed at length.

Commissioner Preston Evenson spoke in favor of maintaining BCBS to afford additional time for researching CPM.

As opinions of additional department heads were requested, EMS/Ambulance Director Brian Mongeau noted he felt they should stay with BCBS and do more research on CPM. He commented this would be a quick transition.

When questioned if CPM had a list of who they cover, Day noted he knew the company has K-State Athletics.

Commissioner Ben Fox spoke in favor of the county opting to contribute the higher sum among proposals, as a means of providing better benefits for staff.

Following discussion, Commissioners approved renewing with BCBS and to proceed with the $200,000 county contribution to the claims account. Commissioners also approved the vision plan renewal, with no increases. At this time, Day noted that it looked like BCBS would be establishing a smart shopper program for the first time and he would be bringing this information when available in the future.

EMS/Ambulance Director Mongeau reported that Greenwood County was slated to receive the new ambulance the week of Dec. 2. Cost savings was experienced through remounting a box from the previous emergency vehicle to a new cab chassis.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Allen Greenwood provided his in-person report. Greenwood shared crew members would be starting to BOMAG this week. He spoke with Bachelor Township in regards to simple maintenance needs and with Shari Shaffer from Salt Springs Township in regards to the awaited response from the Corps of Engineers pertaining to needs on BB Road (a shared stretch of roadway between Greenwood County and the Corps). Greenwood shared plans for addressing conditions of a bridge by Triple Seven. He noted Road and Bridge is hoping to clean out the site this week. Greenwood requested a 10-minute executive session for legal with commissioners. Following the session, no decisions were made.

Clerk Deann McCaffree presented a request seeking a county letter of support for Kansas Office of Broadband Development (KOBD) Bead program grant application through Twin Valley. Mc-Caffree noted that the party is trying to get funding for internet and this would come at no cost to the county. No opposition was voiced to provision of a letter.

McCaffree will be working on sending catering for the year-end dinner out for bid.

Support was given for the Marshall PTA utilizing the Courthouse gazebo on Dec. 3. Clerk McCaffree noted they were also asking to use electricity and for approval to decorate the courthouse lawn. No opposition was voiced.

McCaffree share there are two new businesses in the county and a zoning meeting is to be held. She then noted the need for membership on the appeals committee.

Commissioners held a 5-minute executive session for legal discussion with Counselor Paul Dean. Following the session, no action was taken.

Special payables in the amount of $21,306.63 were approved.

Payables, in the amount of $332,865.49, and Payroll, in the amount of $153,250.59, were approved.

Commissioner Mac Obourn was absent from the meeting.

Coverage of the Nov. 18 meeting can be found elsewhere in this week’s edition.



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