WELCA met for lunch on Nov. 7 in the Eureka Christ Lutheran Church Bell Tower Room.
Camille Frakes provided Ham and Potato Chowder and breadsticks and Sue Erickson provided a jello salad and dessert. Eight members enjoyed the meal and fellowship.
The program featured a Thanksoffering service celebrating the Gifts of Women, led by Sue Ellen Wenthe. Members took turns with Bible readings about women of faith. The following women of The Bible were celebrated: Sarah, Naomi and Ruth, Esther, Mary and Martha and Lydia. Each one served as role models, mentors, leaders, disciples and in business.
Members shared what they learned from women in The Bible and offered Thanks to God.
The business meeting was called to order by Vice President Frakes. Pat Surber gave devotions from a book “Jesus Always” and shared her devotional routine. Roll call was answered by eight members.
Secretary Erickson read the Oct. 3 meeting minutes. Margaret Spires gave the treasurer’s report.
Old business included the announcement of the outhouse completion at the Upper Fall River Church.
The group voted to donate to the ELCA for world relief programs.
Bazaar plans for Nov. 23 were finalized.
Plans were made for the Christmas meeting on Dec. 5, beginning at noon with chili, jello and a cookie exchange. A Christmas singa- long is the program with Grace Stacy at the piano.