The Howard City Council meets bimonthly on the first and third Mondays of the month. The following report was generated from the Oct. 21 meeting minutes, which were approved by the council on Nov. 4.
The council approved the Oct. 7 meeting minutes, city bills totaling $7,021.13 and a $8,106.05 payment to the Howard Housing Authority regarding the property management agreement made in April 2024.
Other topics discussed included: A pre-pay project which Kansas Municipal Energy Agency is being considering for natural gas purchases; Selling unused property tabled to spring; Sewer service hookup options on Elk Street to possibly avoid street cut; Waste Tire grant was successfully completed, application for new waste tire project was tabled to a future meeting; Cox flooring options, clerk was directed to get new estimate; Cox ramp and other maintenance options and plans, Library invited to annual Grant Celebration to for the three grants they were awarded this year, PWWSD# 23 report; American Rescue Plan Act fund deadlines; Office software.
Council member Shilo Crupper was absent.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
The council also met on Monday, Nov. 4. Their next scheduled meeting is Monday, Nov. 18, at 7:30 p.m.