Eureka Garden Club -
The regular monthly meeting of the Eureka Garden Club was held on Friday, Nov. 1, at TNT Catering for lunch. After lunch, President Vicki Lindsey called the meeting to order. She expressed appreciation to Loria Howard and Carol Ann Flock for being the hostesses. Nine members, one associate member and one guest were present. The members voted to accept Sherrie Dennis as a new member. There was discussion about cleaning the Mini Garden, next month’s meeting and purchasing gifts for the “Adopt a Child” program through Emprise Bank. The club held a silent auction for the month’s program. The money collected helps to purchase plants for the Mini Garden. Rise Russin and Sue McDonald won the door prizes, a decorated pumpkin and a potted plant.
The next month’s meeting will be held on Friday, Dec. 6 with Russin and Patricia Soule as hostesses.
The meeting was adjourned by standing and repeating “The Gardner’s Creed.”