The Eureka Business Women met on Tuesday, Nov. 5 at TNT Catering in Eureka. There were 13 members and one guest present. The guest was Paige Samuels, who was the business woman of the month. Roll call was answered by “Your Thanksgiving Plans?”
Minutes of the October meeting were given and approved at read. The treasurer’s report was given and approved as read.
There were no announcements.
Tammi Burtin read a Thank You note from Annaliese Casper, thanking the club for the EHS scholarship that she had received. A sign-up sheet was passed around for home baked goods for the Eureka Annual Arts and Crafts show held last weekend. Burtin read a letter from Eureka High School, asking if the club would be interested in doing scholarships for the upcoming school year.
Business woman of the month, Samuels, was presented a certificate. Samuels grew up in Eureka. She is currently teaching sixth grade at Marshall Elementary School, in Eureka. This is her second year teaching at Marshall Elementary. Samuels attended Butler Community College and then transferred to the Best Program through Emporia State University. She is engaged to Kevin who currently serves in the Air Force National Guard. Samuels requested donations of Christmas ornaments for the Christmas Store Club.
There was no program for the evening.
Door prizes were won by Sandy Dickerson, Diana Cole and Ashley Boles.
The club sang Happy Birthday to Samuels.
Hostesses for the evening were Tonya Casper and Ashleigh Casper.
The club closed with the Club Collect.
(Courtesy photo)