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Monday, January 20, 2025 at 10:49 PM

Elk County Commission

The Elk County Commissioners meet weekly at 1 p.m. on Mondays. The following report was generated from the approved Oct. 15 meeting minutes, which were approved during a recent commission meeting.

Chairman Jake Liebau called the regular meeting to order on Oct. 15, at 1 p.m. Commissioners Doug Hendricks and Perry Russell (via Zoom) were all present as well as County Clerk Kerry Harrod.

During public forum, Shari Kaminska requested an executive session for non-elected personnel for 10 minutes.

EMS Director Gillian Beaumont presented the report for September. There were 20 total runs with total collections being $13,939.68. Beaumont stated she interviewed an EMT recently.

Regarding community development, Kaminska stated they have been submitting the quarterly reports for the BASE Grant.

Kaminska stated there is a proposal for a Phase I Environmental Study on the property at 1285 Evergreen, in Moline. The study can be funded through the BASE Grant. Discussion was had regarding the site plans and whether to move forward with a plan or not. The south fence was discussed. The county will work with Michael Hogan on the tree removal and the construction of a fence.

Todd Winscher, with rural fire, stated the State Fire Marshall Grant has been applied for. This grant will be used for purchasing PPE gear for the rural fire department.

Emergency Management Director Erica Cordell stated the October siren test went well and all sirens passed. Cordell attended an Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop in Chanute held by KDEM on Oct. 8. Cordell will be holding Elk Counties’ IPPW on Nov. 14, at 6:30 p.m. at the Cox Building The property on Dove Road in Moline is under contract.

Regarding Public Works, Don Sanders stated the Road 9 project has been completed. The Evergreen project between Road 4 and Road 5 is complete. The department is concentrating on the Blackjack Road project. They started on Road 4 and are working east. A lot of tree trimming and tree removal has been done on Blackjack between Road 5A and Road 7. Sanders stated a lot of the footing has been poured for the Green Ranch bridge.

The commission held a 10-minute executive session for non-elected personnel, with Kaminska. No action was taken after returning to open session.

The commission approved a letter of support for public transportation. They also approved to sign the letter.

Perry Russell was nominated to serve as the KCAMP Voting Delegate with Kaminska being an alternate.

The annual web hosting contract with Advantage Computer for website, email, and domain hosting for 2025, totaling $2,396, was approved.

A transfer of $104,000 from the Windfarm Farm to the EMS Fund was approved.

Derek Dick, with Bukaty Companies, presented on health insurance benefits. Dick would like to submit a quote to the county on health insurance. Mr. Dick will gather information and report back to the commission with quotes.

Discussion was held regarding the HVAC system for the courthouse. Chairman Liebau will contact Jacob with Community Building Solutions and have him attend the next meeting. Discussion was also held regarding the courthouse door buzzer. County Clerk Harrod will reach out to District Court regarding the door buzzer issue.

The commission approved the Sept. 30 regular meeting minutes as presented and warrants totaling $88,487.28.

The County Christmas party will be held on Friday, Dec. 13, at Flint Oak.

The meeting adjourned at 2:48 p.m.

The next meeting for the Elk County Commissioners is Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 1 p.m., due to the Veterans Day holiday.



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