Matt Wilson with the Eureka Foundation was present seeking an updated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as they again are looking to seek funding for construction of additional housing. This was referenced in relation to duplexes previously constructed at 11th and Main Streets. Wilson commented that duplexes already in place are now on the tax roll as the five-year tax abatement had expired. Council members approved this item. Work on third street at the Greenwood hotel was discussed. Laws shared that the tree stump next to the structure had been removed by city crew members. ADA compliance with the sidewalk was reviewed. Bids for a ramp were sought and Ramsey Concrete was slated to pour it last week to be ready for the weekend, weather permitting. Laws noted that the project was under $5,000 for completion. Pavement lines were also painted in this area and these items were completed utilizing dollars collected through the 1% street sales tax.
Community Events & Entertainment
An update on plans for a Memorial Hall Celebration was provided. On Nov. 11, a flag pole dedication will be held at Memorial Hall. A plaque has been ordered, but because it will not be completed in time, the company is sending a place holder for the event. It was noted that they expect the official plaque to be here by the open house being planned for Dec. 9.
An art contest is being held in conjunction with the Memorial Hall celebration. Art of all media types (paintings, photos, sketches etc.) featuring a theme of Memorial Hall will be accepted. The current and former mayors for the city will be serving as judges. Art is due to the city December 6. Councilwoman Cinda Beals suggested taking the contest to Eureka schools to get kids to participate. Laws noted that this was going to be done. Prizes will be awarded.
Memorial Hall ornaments are being ordered as a fundraiser for Memorial Hall. The city is looking to open an account specifically for Memorial Hall rehabilitation.
Annual Chamber events were discussed by community member Steve Brown. Brown offered a reminder that the Christmas parade was coming up on Dec. 7 at 5 p.m. When he referenced having barricades up before the event, it was noted that these would be put into place ahead of schedule as Mayor Coulter will be giving a ‘State of the City’ address before the parade at 4 p.m.
Eureka Days is in the works for June 7 and Brown is looking to close Main Street from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. for festivities.
The 4th of July is on a Friday this year. Brown told council members that he was needing to know when the city is looking to hold their fireworks display and they were looking to utilize Victory to conduct the show again. Because the holiday is on the weekend, charge for the display would be $15,000. Brown told the council that he has an underwriter this year, who expressed interest in donating approximately half the total cost with the stipulation that the event is held on the 4th. Members of the council approved to hold the display on Friday, July 4.
Coulter shared that he went out to the school earlier that day to voice appreciation to students who participated in the recent volunteer day. While present, he spoke to students on some ongoing projects being focused on by the city. Coulter noted he had taken a poll about having skating available and about 75% of the high school kids were interested in this. He also quizzed students about their interests and a bowling alley and movie theater were items voiced. In regards to flack she received pertaining to purchase of skates, Beals noted she had commented it was done for the kids. Coulter added that their used to be things for youth to do in town including a bowling alley, arcade and movie theater and now there is nothing.
Clerk Renee Burk presented a request on behalf of The Gym who is looking to host their Fun Run again this year on Nov. 1. Closure of Main Street from 1st to 3rd from 6-9 p.m. and closure of 1st to 2nd Streets from 9 p.m. to midnight for a dance to follow the run was approved.
Regular Business
Application for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Memorial Hall has been finalized and was ready for submission on Nov. 1. Status on CDBG grants being applied for should be known by mid-December.
An updated Comprehensive Plan for the City of Eureka has been drafted and is slated to go through the Planning Commission for review before making its way to the council for official consideration. This has not been updated since 1998.
Track loader lease was presented as an item for future consideration. A couple of options are being looked into from Bobcat and John Deere. Laws shared that $50,000 had been budgeted for purchase of a machine, however this number has been found to be insufficient for purchase. Options noted were a lease to own agreement, though the city would see interest incurred or straight lease with the options of one-, three- or five-year terms. A proposal is being planned for presentation in November.
A Variance request for 519 N. St. Nicholas was presented. The property owner was present and explained he is wanting to put in a wrought iron fence at his house up to the side walk, approximately 3.5 feet in height. After confirming there would be no visual blockage with the fence, council members approved the request.
Work is pending at 2nd and Greenwood Streets, referenced as the old railroad crossing. Laws shared there is storm water damage and a hole has developed. This is to be addressed.
Work through IdeaTek remains ongoing in the installation phase. A gas service line and internet line had been hit.
Transfer of Lake Lot 98 was approved.
Transfer of Lake Lot 109 was approved contingent on a good inspection report as this was not included in paperwork.
The consent agenda was approved. This included the following items: Minutes of the Oct. 15 regular meeting, Minutes of the Oct. 17 special meeting, Scheduled claims list for expenses due through Oct. 28 in the amount of $248,855.59 and Purchase Order 729334 to Brenntag for $6,875.68.
An executive session for 10 minutes, including Laws and City Attorney James Watson, was held for the subject of property acquisition. No action followed.
Councilman Jeff Marks was absent from the meeting Additional coverage of the Oct. 28 regular meeting is included elsewhere in this week’s edition. The next meeting of the Eureka City Council will be held Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 7 p.m.