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Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 12:58 AM

Toronto News

Hello, November! Where has this year gone? It seems like we just celebrated Halloween in the gym due to inclement weather. The weather might not be so good this year either. The weatherman says it will rain in the morning on Halloween, but be clear for the night.

One thing about us Kansans, we know to dress in layers and be prepared to change your costume at the last minute to something warmer or cooler! The weather doesn’t affect most kids, it’s the parents who will be complaining about it.

Halloween on a weeknight is rough. We never know how many kids will be out and about. Trunk or Treat (in Toronto) isn’t until Saturday afternoon. Saturday morning is the last First Saturday event of the year.

It will be held in the gym due to the prediction of bad weather.

What is “Nyctalopia?” Hello to all in area nursing and assisted living facilities. Hello, also, to all in area hospitals and rehab centers.

We offer our sympathy to all who lost loved ones this past week. May they all rest in peace.

There sure are a bunch of neat Halloween lawn decorations this year. Not just in Toronto, but the surrounding towns as well. Some people really get into decorating their lawns. Dragons, skeletons with one skiing and one riding a jet ski pulling the one on skis. I saw little skeletons riding pink flamingos online.

I wonder who enjoys the lawn decorations more, the adults who set them up or the kids they were set up for?! I wonder, too, which holiday has more lawn decorations, Christmas or Halloween?

Answer: The inability to see in dim light or at night. Also called night blindness. I can see at night, until when driving, you meet an oncoming car with their bright lights on. How about you? For me, that’s been a problem forever, not just since I started driving and that’s been nearly 50 years ago!

I hope everyone got registered to vote. This election coming up next week is going to be the most important election you’ve ever voted in. Remember if you don’t vote, you have no right to complain about who gets elected.

I heard that the delay on the Cedar Creek Bridge was caused by one of the pylons that was being driven into the ground disappearing! They were hammering away and it just vanished from sight. Some kind of sink hole or something.

I have plans of talking to someone out there about what is going on, but it’s going to have to wait as I am currently suffering from vertigo! I know many of you are thinking, “So what, we knew you were dizzy anyway.” But this is really weird, can’t walk or think straight. Hopefully, it doesn’t last long.

Quote: “I believe that the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” Viola Davis (Intended for last week)

Whether you saw it at night, early morning or even late morning, the full moon last week was huge. I couldn’t help but notice when it rose, but what really surprised me was when I let the dogs out the morning of Oct. 17. It was enormous!

I opened the back door and it was right there over the carport bright and huge! “Ginormous” is a better description! And, it stuck around most of the morning.

What mammal has the strongest bite?

The Toronto Library is having a fundraiser right now, with the goal of raising $500 to pair with grant dollars to purchase books and things for early readers.

Reading was always a favorite pastime in our house when me and my brothers were growing up. Mom, dad and us three kids read a lot.

I think it’s great that the Toronto Library is doing so good and strives to be a place of fun and learning for kids of all ages. But, it takes money to to keep the Library up to date. Thus this fundraiser.

If you would like to donate, contact the library at 620-637-2661.

Answer: The hippopotamus, with a bite strength of 1870 psi. Wow, and to think some little girl sang about wanting one for Christmas!

Sabrina Smith will be hosting “Trunk or Treat” again this year on Nov. 2 at 3 p.m. on Broad Street instead of Main Street. Hot dogs, chips and water will be available, there will be big inflatables, costume contest and more. For more info, or to let her know you will be setting up, call or text: 620953-2490.

Quote: “Freedom is something that dies unless it is used.” - Hunter S. Thompson



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