On Monday, Oct. 28 during a brief meeting of the Greenwood County Commissioners, a written report from the Road and Bridge Department was reviewed. Following inquiry, Commissioner Roy Ballard noted that work to the stone bridge near Hamilton had been completed.
In regards to the grader purchase approved last week, Emergency Management Director Levi Vinson commented that when this had been voted on, commissioners didn’t state the price in the motion and this has to be done for CAT. As such, commissioners approved authorizing the purchase of the grader at $92,000. One sealed bid was received for tires for the Road and Bridge Department. The bid, from Rock’s 54 Tire and Oil, for various sizes and quantities of tires, was approved.
When a question was posed by Ballard, Sheriff Heath Samuels shared that impound funds had been utilized for the county mechanic to purchase a tire machine to fix tires on vehicles in the impound lot. Samuels noted he still anticipates using local shops some. The machine will also be available for use by various departments, when the mechanic is available.
Register of Deeds Marsha Ramsey questioned how spectators would watch the commission meeting without coming to the courthouse in the months following the election. It was shared that Commissioner Mac Obourn is training to operate Zoom and also noted that Vinson could potentially provide aid. County Clerk Deann McCaffree stated she thought the Zoom link needed to be publicly available in the future. Sheriff Samuels noted they could look into streaming meetings on YouTube. At this time, officials also revisited previous conversation in regards to better audio equipment in the meeting room. This is to be revisited.
Two Cereal Malt Beverage li censes were approved: one for Hampton’s 2.0 at Tri Corner (restaurant) and the second for the liquor store in Tri-Corner.
The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
County Clerk McCaffree told commissioners that KCamp insurance was asking for voting delegates. Approved appointments were Commissioner Obourn as delegate and Commissioner Preston Evenson as alternate.
Payables in the revised amount of $211,237.70 were approved.
Payroll in the amount of $154,665.64 was approved.
A 10-minute executive session was requested by Ballard for legal discussion, with only commissioners remaining for discussion. No action followed.
Commissioner Ben Fox was absent from the meeting.
The next meeting of the Greenwood County Commissioners will be held on Monday, Nov. 4 at 9 a.m.