During his report on Monday, Oct. 21, Road and Bridge Supervisor Allen Greenwood told Greenwood County Commissioners he had spoken with CAT last week in regards to graders. Greenwood shared details on the unit available for purchase: a 2012 two-wheel drive grader with 3,300 hours and a one-year power train warranty. Greenwood noted that maintenance on the machine had always been conducted through CAT. Department needs were briefly weighed in relation to year-end cash. It was noted that the chip seal machine could be fixed for approximately $7,200. Needs also included future purchase of a round bottom trailer. Commissioner Roy Ballard shared that two John Deere graders, one from the Madison Township and one from the Shellrock area, each with approximately 3000 hours, would be available, but cost was unknown. Information was provided in the event another machine were needed. Commissioners approved the purchase of the 2012 grader. Purchase price with trade in was $92,000.
Greenwood shared that he had met with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding the previous flooding event and the county was given 60 days to get everything submitted pertaining to this.
Discussion was had in regards to X50 Road. Greenwood told commissioners that County Contracted Engineer Michael Maris went and looked at the site. This was formerly a stone crossing years ago and a road had later been laid over it. Issues reported included a tree growing in the road and the culvert. Ballard noted that the Janesville Township is willing to purchase the culvert; they were seeking county assistance with equipment. Commissioners spoke in favor of offering aid through equipment, specifically, providing aid in taking the old culvert out. Greenwood was to communicate with the township to clarify needs and look to offer aid.
During further discussion of Road and Bridge equipment, Commissioner Ballard noted that they have a forestry cutter which says, “don’t operate over two feet off the ground.” Ballard commented that they needed to look into getting a shield to make this more operable. Ballard next noted the county has an old cutter that now sits on the ground since the new one was purchased. Greenwood was asked to look into the old head to see if an adapter was available so it can be used. Greenwood was also asked to see what the electronic components on the attachment specifically do. During discussion, Greenwood noted he believed it to be related to safety, but will be looking into the piece of equipment. At this time, shaft issues in regards to the John Deere tractor were shared. Greenwood noted that it was not operating and was told to look into this as well.
In old business, the road vacation in South Salem Township pertaining to 230th Street near B Road was formally approved under Resolution GWRV 24-10.
Cole Conard with the Twin Grove Township was present to inquire in regards to a road issue. Conard commented that the township was listed as co-defendants with the county in a lawsuit pertaining to a road issue. He then asked what the commission had done to-date pertaining to this. Commissioner Ben Fox stated that they had been advised by their legal counsel to not discuss the matter. County Legal Counsel Paul Dean was not present at Monday’s meeting. Conard clarified that he was wanting to know what has been done regarding the matter, not details pertaining to ongoing proceedings. Commissioners commented that they had viewed the road in question. Following the viewing, closure was not granted. It was noted that an area landowner had not been interested in closure. Commissioner Paul Hodge noted the petition may have been withdrawn, but this was referenced as something that would have to be verified in records. Conard was asked to leave his phone number and Dean would be asked to reach out.
Sheriff Heath Samuels presented an employment verification for Matt Mettling, who will ultimately serve as School Resource Officer. Sheriff Samuels noted that officer Jim Cude will soon be retiring and Mettling is going to begin training now. It was noted that Mettling has previous experience serving as a school resource officer and serves as pastor for a local church. Mettling was approved for full-time employment with the Greenwood County Sheriff’s Office at $18.50 an hour.
County Appraiser Shawna Griffitts discussed the upcoming Trick-or-Treat Main Street event on Oct. 31. Griffitts told commissioners that $150 had been approved last year to purchase goodies to hand out and this was being sought again. Commissioners approved $150 from the general fund for Halloween treats. On behalf of the Eureka Honors Club, organizers of the Trick-or-Treat Main Street event, Paige Blakley presented a request for use of the courthouse gazebo and sidewalk for an organization with plans of serving a hotdog meal during Halloween festivities on Main Street. Commissioners approved for use of the gazebo.
County Clerk Deann McCaffree shared that early voting for the election began Monday at the courthouse. Brief discussion followed in regards to election equipment, security and procedures. During conversation, it was noted that the county had updated equipment because the old machines were no longer supported.
Special payables in the amount of $2,841.81 were approved.
Minutes of the Oct. 14 meeting were accepted as written.
The next meeting of the Greenwood County Commissioners will be held on Monday, Oct. 28 at 9 am.