A special meeting of the Eureka City Council was held at Memorial Hall, on Thursday, Oct. 17, for public hearings regarding Community Development Block Grants (CDBG): one for Memorial Hall and the other for Housing Rehabilitation and the street project. After entering into public hearing, for the housing/street grant no public comments were made. As such, the hearing was closed.
City Administrator Joel Laws then provided a presentation on the CDBG grants, starting with housing rehabilitation. He shared that this CDBG grant can assist with rehabilitation of owner-occupied housing at no cost to the owner. It can also be used for rental properties; however, the owner would contribute 25%-15% of the total cost based on income. Laws noted that this can also be used for demolition and relocation.
The grant being applied for supports rehabilitation within the target area and funds are awarded to local government units. The maximum award amount the city can receive is $300,000, $25,000 per residence. Items that can be addressed with these dollars include: minor foundation repairs, heating and air conditioning, roof replacement, electrical, plumbing, and window repair or replacement. The designated area encompasses residences within the following area: east side of Poplar Street to the west side of Oak Street & the north side of River Street to the south side of 3rd Street. This area was selected for targeted projects following a survey process, which included multiple rounds of notices being sent out. This started with a city-wide survey, and was compacted as the area was identified.
During the informational portion of the evening, members of the community in attendance were given the opportunity to ask questions as details were provided.
Laws explained that once the grant is awarded, they enter the phase of deeming qualified properties. For this, certain information and assessments will be needed. For rental properties, rental agreements must be provided. Lead assessment is also required. Once this phase is done, the project will be bid out. Laws commented that he is hoping to see local contractors complete work to provide further benefit to the community.
CDBG application for streets is being submitted in conjunction with the housing grant. Laws noted that the city has a Pavement Management Plan. This completed report was received in June and includes an assessment of city streets.
Laws noted that some streets within the designated area are in rough shape. Overview was held of cracking and drainage issues to a portion of streets within this zone. Street assessment estimated that it would cost $232,000 to fix the given streets. The grant being applied for is 50% match, so the city would see $116,000 for work to be completed. Funds are not available in the budget to complete work to all roads within the area. Laws noted that surveys were also sent out to residents within the zone for streets and a great response was received.
Following completion of the presentation, Resolution 24-16 was approved. Officials approved entering into a contract with South Central Kansas Economic Development District (SCKEDD) for administrative services for the housing rehabilitation grant. Approval was received for SCKEDD completing housing inspection and risk assessment services Presentation and Public Hearing for Memorial Hall were then held. Funding being sought is for replacement of remaining windows in the facility.
In March of 2022, a consulting firm completed an assessment of Memorial Hall, which broke down condition of the structure and items needing work/replacement. To submit for this grant, asbestos and radon tests were needed. Radon testing came back positive for one room and mitigation will be needed.
The city council budgeted $50,000 for Memorial Hall. Approximately $45,000 was raised through donations in 2023, bringing the total for available funds to approximately $95,000. Roughly $366,000 is the projected grant total. The city’s match would be $91,540.
As his presentation concluded, Laws noted that the 100th anniversary of the building would be celebrated this year.
After closing the public hearing, council members approved Resolution 24-14 certifying authority to apply for the CDBG grant for Memorial Hall windows.
Resolution 24-15, assuring funds will be provided for the operation at Memorial Hall, was approved.
Council members approved to enter into a contract with SCKEDD for administrative services for Memorial Hall.
Coverage of the Oct. 17 regular meeting can be found elsewhere in this week’s edition.
The next regular meeting of the Eureka City Council will be held on Monday, Oct. 28 at 7 p.m.