Community Service Day!
It came. They worked. And, now it’s over.
Sparkle and shine, paint and sweep, pull and move. The junior and senior high kids of the Myreka community busted their bottoms on Wednesday, Oct. 9, to complete the tasks lined out by their fearless principal and city helpers to give back to our community. Each student had a different experience for the day and, with any luck, their time will give them insight into some of the decisions they will have to make throughout their lives about community and care. Littering, vandalizing and neglect aren’t that ap-pealing when you are on the clean-up end of it. With any luck, they will have learned something valuable, we can hope.
They also were provided a cheeseburger lunch by the Greenwood County Cattlemen and Cattlewomens organizations with beef donated by their membership, local Greenwood County ranchers.
A HUGE thank you to everyone involved in the day for doing their part to Make Eureka Great Again!
If you are interested in Myreka, please join us at the monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of the month at noon at Memorial Hall. Or shoot us an email at [email protected]