The regular meeting of the Eureka Garden Club was held on Friday, Oct. 4, at TNT for lunch. After lunch, President Vicki Lindsey called the meeting to order. She expressed appreciation to Marilyn Cathey for being the hostess.
Eleven members, one associate member and two guests were present.
Patricia Soule volunteered to be in charge of the Garden Club Facebook page. Fall cleaning of the mini garden will be discussed at the next meeting.
Cathey told the club about many of the changes that have occurred since the club was started in 1950.
Melinda Nichols and Cheryl Sowder were voted in as new members.
Sheila Hughes gave the program on birch trees. She showed how to paint candles to look like birch bark. All present were able to take their candles home as door prizes.
The hostesses for next month will be Loria Howard and Carol Ann Flock.
The meeting was adjourned by standing and repeating “The Gardener’s Creed.”