The Harmony Sunflowers 4-H Club held their October meeting on Sunday, Oct. 6, at 5 p.m. at the Christ Lutheran Church (CLC). Roll call was answered by 24 members, three clover buds and three leaders.
Secretary Brody Mitchell read last month’s minutes and they were approved as read. Bills were presented.
Acting treasurer, Brody Rockhill gave the treasurers report. Cort Decker, Council Representative gave information about the September 4-H Council Meeting. Adelae Coulter shared that the September minutes were published in the The Eureka Herald.
During standing committee reports, Doris Decker shared information on the club’s upcoming petting zoo. Shannon Rockhill told the club that they needed to vote on whether they wanted to do a float at Cattlemen’s Day or not. Larissa Wells reminded the members that 4-H Sunday was going to be held Oct. 13 at 9 a.m. at Christian Congregational Church with a cookie reception to follow. Fliers and information on the Chicken Poop BINGO fundraiser were passed out and explained. Mica Coulter announced that there would be a Breakfast with Santa committee meeting on Sunday, Oct. 13 at 12:30 p.m.
During Leader’s Reports, S. Rockhill gave updates on the club’s committee sign ups, the 48 Hours of 4-H project and the upcoming Officer training. She passed out gift cards to the members who completed record books for the 23-24 year and any officer who submitted an officer book. M. Coulter covered information on County Achievement Night, enrollment, National 4-H Week and the new club Facebook page for publicity. The club was asked to sponsor an ad in The Eureka Herald for 4-H Week. This needed to be voted on in new business. Beth Teter shared information on Cattlemen’s Day and all of the club’s duties that they need to help with.
In new business, motions were made to pay the bills, have a float in the Cattlemen’s Day parade, have a table at Trunk or Treat on Oct. 31, have a few members help serve the CLC Bazaar, pay for the meals of members and leaders at the County Achievement Night and sponsoring an ad for 4-H Week. Motions were also made to purchase a wheelbarrow to be stored at the fairgrounds for use and for the club to have a pizza party in Janaury if all returning members enroll by Nov. 15.
Vice President Clay Teter led the program. Noah Everly-Burtin and Duke Coulter gave a parliamentarian tip on making a business motion. Natalynn Gulick gave a project talk on dance. Haidyn Evenson and D. Coulter led the club in singing “This is Halloween.”
Next month’s meeting is Sunday, Nov. 3, in the basement of CLC at 6 p.m. Roll call will be “What are you most thankful for?” The club members will be goal setting during this meeting.
D. Coulter moved to adjourn the meeting by saying the 4-H motto, motion seconded and carried, meeting adjourned.
Following the meeting, the club held their annual achievement banquet.