The October 1 meeting of the Greenwood County Historical Society (GCHS) board was called to order by President Mike Pitko.
Those present were: Board members: John Bills, Kevin Hough, Taylor Hunt, Kent Olson, Pitko, Gib Rhodes, Stan Skaer, Jan Stephens. Also attending were: Museum Director Robin Himes, Secretary Sheryl Moody, and guest Carma Wilson.
Wilson was presented with the Volunteer of the Quarter Award for her work in creating displays for the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Historical Society and for her work doing additional displays in the museum. The board expressed their appreciation for the time and materials she has donated to the historical society.
The minutes of the August 6 board meeting were read. Hough moved to accept the minutes. Olson seconded. The motion passed.
Board Treasurer Olson has visited with the accountant’s office about recording and reporting transactions related to the Claycomb School relocation and rehabilitation project. New accounts will need to be established to record donations, non-capitalized expenses and the school as an asset. Reports will need to be revised accordingly.
Bills had a question on the Wichita investments and the low percentage rate on returns. Olson responded that it might be a good time to call the investment advisor to meet and get updates.
Bills made a motion to accept the treasurer’s reports for March – August. Hunt seconded. The motion passed.
Pitko reported on the balance in the checking account as of Oct. 1. There is a new account (set up the week of Sept. 23) for the Claycomb School.
There were 15 visitors in the museum in August – from Kansas, Colorado and California. There were 35 visitors in the museum in September – from Washington, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas and the Netherlands. This number included 9 students from Hamilton and 15 members of the Community Benefit Club.
Pitko voiced appreciation to Hunt, Hough and Dana Mills for their work on the Claycomb School project.
Pitko reminded board members that the Historical Society needs names of people who might be interested in filling Becky Lindamood’s position on the board. Voting will take place at the December meeting. People who have suggestions should let Pitko know or names can be written in at the December meeting.
Pitko also asked those whose terms will be expiring to let him know if they want to continue on the board for another term. In addition, he asked officers to let him know if they would continue in those offices.
In new business, Hunt reported that the new website is live. The main reason for the update was lack of space and this new website gives the Historical Society a lot of room for growth. It will support any type of media. The GCHS logo is on the site. There is a new “Do You Know?” feature where the board can post things such as photos to see if people recognize them and can help in identifying them. Hunt has purchased the domain site “Save Claycomb School.” It will take those who visit it to the Claycomb flyer on the website. Other features include the Communications tab and the Event Calendar that will be picked up by other search engines so that GCHS information will be seen by more viewers.
Pitko shared that GCHS has a bid from IdeaTek for fiber internet. Internet currently utilized is 6 megabytes. The bid from IdeaTek is for a 3 – 5-year deal with 100 megabytes. Hough moved that the GCHS make this move. Hunt seconded the motion. The motion passed.
The museum will be open from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Nov. 2 for Cattlemen’s Day. On Friday, Oct. 4 approximately 40 sixth graders were expected at the museum. They will be divided into two groups. The students will be given a tour of the museum while they are present.
The mover can get the Claycomb School into the lot in November and Drew Ramsey with Ramsey Concrete can do the foundation work in November as well. After discussion, the board approved getting the foundation ready on the museum lot west of the museum building and having the Claycomb School moved on to the site. The GCHS will continue with the fundraising campaign to accomplish all three phases of the project.
There is a new display set up in honor of Veterans Day. There are artifacts from the Spanish/American War, the Civil War, World Wars I & II, Korean and Vietnam on display.
Plans are underway to create a small gift shop area in the museum. There will be Greenwood County magnets for sale as well as other items.
Board member Hunt has donated a scanner to be used for digitalizing photos and documents. The museum purchased a small laptop computer from a local school to be connected to the scanner. It will be used for this project.
The microfilm reader that was not working has been repaired.
Stephens moved to close the museum from mid-December through Feb. 1. Hough seconded the motion. The staff will continue to be paid while GCHS Museum is closed.
Bills commented on the success of the Fifth Monday program held at the museum on Sept. 30 and asked if a committee is needed to plan future programs. Stephens volunteered to work on programs for future Fifth Mondays beginning after the New Year. Bills is willing to do additional programs and is willing to do them on days other than Mondays if the board wants to do them more often. He reported that 41 people attended his program at Eureka Lake. Pitko stated that GCHS doesn’t not have to be locked into only 5th Mondays.
Pitko asked for a motion to adjourn. Hough made the motion and the meeting was adjourned.