The Fancy Mustangs 4-H Club met for their first meeting of the year on Oct. 2, at the Neal Community Building in Neal.
The new officers for the 2024-2025 year were elected into office as follows: Sydney Lindamood, President; Jersey Cox, Vice President and Parlimentarian; Lylly Stapleford, Secretary; Henry Lindamood, Treasurer; Charlie Lindamood, Reporter; Karsyn Osborne and Kinsley Cox, Historians; and Brystle Osborne, Song and Recreation. Junior officers: Kinsley Cox, Junior President; Cinch Stapleford, Junior Vice President; and K. Osborne, Junior Secretary.
The Council representatives will be S. Lindamood, L. Stapleford, J. Cox and H. Lindamood will serve as an alternate.
Three new families were in attendance. We are excited for a fun year!