The Top Hand Youth Rodeo Association (THYRA) held event number three over the weekend with a total of 80 contestants and 490 entries.
The All-Around winners for the weekend were as follows: Senior Boy: Bryson Schull; Senior Girl: Dali Reser; Intermediate Boy: Kal Greenwood/Heath Schull; Intermediate Girl: Ellie Hart; Junior Boy: Henry Gregory; Junior Girl: Blakley Jones; Peewee Boy: Payson Mahaney; and Peewee Girl: Tulsa Lilley.
The All-Around winners won a tumbler cup and a gift certificate to the Top Hand concession stand and LoMar.
A chute dogging clinic with Joel Edmondson, Trevor Donaldson and Tyson Brenton was held Friday night. A pool and pizza party was held Saturday night, at Eureka Aquatic Center.
The next rodeo is Aug. 31 - Sept. 1. More information about TYHRA can be found at TopHandYouthRodeo. com.
(Courtesy photos)