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Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 6:40 AM

County Applying For Grant For Bridge Improvements

The subject of a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant was brought to the floor during the Greenwood County Commission meeting held on Monday, May 20.

The subject of a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant was brought to the floor during the Greenwood County Commission meeting held on Monday, May 20.

Emergency Management Director Levi Vinson explained that this was a pre-hazard mitigation grant and items such as improvements to bridge approaches for crossings which have historically been associated with losses are eligible. This grant funds cost-effective projects intended to reduce/eliminate risk of future losses. This grant is available once per year and application can be submitted for as few as two bridge projects or as many as 60, but the county would be responsible for 15% of the cost. Vinson reported that the deadline for submission is June 30 and project selection is anticipated by mid-September. Commissioners spoke in favor of applying for the funding and expressed interest in submitting a project to include approximately 15 bridges.

During continued discussion of the Road and Bridge department and needed bridge repair work, it was shared that Drew Ramsey with Ramsey Concrete had been contacted regarding the potential provision of bids for the county’s list of problem bridges.

Ramsey, after bringing the subject of the FEMA grant to the floor, also presented a bid for the crossing on 110th Street near L Road. Commissioners approved to repair the bridge at $15,750.

In regards to quotes for additional bridges on the list for needed repair, Ramsey noted that the county engineer was slated to review the bridge at 60th Street and he would like to hold off on sharing plans for this until after the engineer has reviewed it. Before Ramsey left the meeting, Commissioner Preston Evenson asked that he take a look at an approach issue on the bridge at H Road and 250th Street.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Allen Greenwood provided his regular report of operations. Greenwood shared that a grader had went down and they were looking to have the issue addressed. A quote was later shared for a turbo mounting system for approximately $3,000. Commissioners approved to proceed with the repair. The statute was reviewed pertaining to culverts. In discussion, it was clarified that FEMA will pay the county or township for repairs including up to 25 feet approaching the bridge/crossing. It was believed that this had created some confusion and it was noted that the county is not responsible for roads leading to the crossing/ culvert. Greenwood noted that, if the county were following details outlined within the statute, he would be looking to send out a copy to townships.

In regards to the bridge located at 100th Street and U Road, Vinson noted that the county needed to decide how they were going to proceed as he had heard indication that they would not be receiving FEMA funding. He noted that no final determinations had officially been received. Alternative plans are in motion for this. It was noted that the county is awaiting a response from the Corps of Engineers.

A road grader lease program, with the option to purchase at the end of the term, was presented for consideration. The payment amount would be $49,790. Greenwood noted that if they proceeded with leasing, Road and Bridge would look to trade in the machine after approximately four years. The company quoted giving $70,000 for the old grader. Greenwood was asked to seek additional information, including direct purchase price, and bring this back to commissioners.

Vinson presented updates to the standing Memorandum of Understandings (MOU) which outline responsibilities pertaining to city storm sirens. Under the proposed update, city storm sirens would be tested at noon to ensure that workers affiliated with each city can be present to make certain sirens are operational. Vinson noted that he believed this would be an improvement to the system. The new MOUs also clarify that the given city is responsible for paying for any re-programing which may be necessitated if they purchase new equipment for their siren. This will be sent out to each city with a siren for review and commissioners plan to bring this for approval during their next meeting.

Greenwood County Health Department Director Vicki Lindsey requested a 15-minute executive session for personnel, with herself and Office Manager Mary Hancock in attendance for discussion with commissioners. Following the session, pay increases associated with job description changes and training were presented.

Valerie Morris, increase from $16.68 to $17.18, approved with Commissioner Evenson voting no and Madison Morris, Social Media Coordinator, increasing from $14.45 to $16 an hour, approved with Evenson voting no.

New Salt Springs Township Clerk Sherry Schaffer attended the county commission meeting Monday morning seeking guidance, inquiring who she should contact for a road issue being experienced. Schaffer shared that since she became clerk two months ago, she has become aware of an issue with road erosion and narrowing at AA50 and 46th Street. She explained that approximately three feet of culvert is exposed on each side. Schaffer was provided with two contacts for individuals who should be able to complete the needed work.

Greenwood County Treasurer Donna Olson requested an executive session for discussion of personnel for 10 minutes. Following the session, no decisions were made.

A five-minute executive session was requested by Greenwood for legal discussion. Following the session, no decisions were made.

A five-minute session for employee evaluation was held by commissioners with Greenwood in attendance. No action was taken following the session.

In the matter pertaining to the road viewing held previously at Reece, commissioners tabled the subject and a determination is slated to be made at their next meeting.

Minutes of the May 13 meeting were approved as written.

In their first budget session of the season, preliminary budgets were presented by the following: Kansas Legal Services, Greenwood County Conservation District, Family Life Center, Noxious Weed and Household Hazardous Waste and the Greenwood County Appraiser’s Office. Presentations will continue next week with additional departments.

The next meeting of the Greenwood County Commissioners will be held on Tuesday, May 28 at 9 a.m.



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