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Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 3:24 PM

County Commissioners Approved To Proceed With Grant Application Towards GWCH Acquisition Of CareArc Building

On Monday, Feb. 12 the Greenwood County Hospital (GWCH) received approval to proceed with acquisition of the CareArc building. GWCH CEO Sandra Dickerson was present Monday morning and shared projections with commissioners in regards to anticipated net income and expenses. Dickerson reported that the GWCH board of Trustees had met on Friday, Feb. 9 and agreed to purchase the building across the street, contingent on consent from commissioners. She explained that, in actuality, this has to be formally purchased by the county (utilizing hospital funds) and deeded to the hospital, as the hospital cannot own property.

On Monday, Feb. 12 the Greenwood County Hospital (GWCH) received approval to proceed with acquisition of the CareArc building. GWCH CEO Sandra Dickerson was present Monday morning and shared projections with commissioners in regards to anticipated net income and expenses. Dickerson reported that the GWCH board of Trustees had met on Friday, Feb. 9 and agreed to purchase the building across the street, contingent on consent from commissioners. She explained that, in actuality, this has to be formally purchased by the county (utilizing hospital funds) and deeded to the hospital, as the hospital cannot own property.

Based on figures provided by CareArc related to annual office visits, Dickerson shared that GWCH’s Eureka Clinic would be anticipated to see an increase of 5,000 visits. The increase in net income to GWCH has been anticipated at $817,000. This projected figure was reached by taking per-visit approximated cost of $102 per visit, multiplied by the 5,000 visits. This totals $527,000. Also included in the overall projected increase was increases for other services including lab, ultrasound, CT scan and pharmacy. Estimated cost/expenses were also presented for commissioners and included staff members who will carry over from CareArc- insurance, pay and benefits operating costs, property insurance and utilities. Subtracting this from the anticipated revenue, resulted in the Eureka Clinic’s portion of the projected increase in net income ($7,194). Needed technology and items to outfit the building including computers and phones was anticipated at $20,000.

Dickerson shared plans for moving the Eureka Clinic across the street and the Wound Care Clinic and Infusion Clinic would then be moved where Eureka Clinic is now located. Dickerson noted that Wound Care currently only has one exam room. This results in longer patient wait times because the exam room must be cleaned between visits. Conversation is in the early stages for adding another part-time provider to the clinic.

When questions were posed, Dickerson shared that no financing would be sought for this. In addition to seeking commission approval to proceed with acquisition of the building, Dickerson explained that there is a grant available. The Rural Hospital Innovation Grant through KDHE would pay for one third of the purchase total. With commission consent, Dickerson stated that they would submit the application on behalf of the county, conduct reporting and supply all needed records to the county. Purchase price of $600,000 for the building and contents was shared. Dickerson explained that outfitting the building without the contents would cost approximately $150,000$200,000. She reported that GWCH has $400,000 in the board funds available to pay for this. As the potential purchase was discussed, Dickerson told commissioners that the net position of the hospital is currently the highest it has been in the last 14 years. Dickerson stated that GWCH had outgrown their current space. Commissioner Ben Fox questioned about the future inclusion of dental. Dickerson noted that Rural Health Clinics cannot run a dental clinic.

Dickerson noted that because the hospital can’t own property, the purchase agreement would have to be between Greenwood County and CareArc and there would be an agreement between GWCH and the county for payment as the hospital will be funding the purchase. Should the grant be received, this would go to Greenwood County and remaining dollars for the purchase from the hospital would then be transferred for payment of the total balance. Commissioners asked that GWCH keep in communication with the county legal counsel on the matter. Following a 15-minute executive session with commissioners and legal counsel for legal discussion, commissioners voted to procced with the grant application. After a 5-minute executive session for legal, no action was taken. Fox questioned about a billing issue GWCH had been facing. Dickerson noted that this had been due to staffing shortage and they were currently outsourcing billing. Commissioners voted to allow GWCH to proceed with acquisition of the building.

Emergency Management Director Levi Vinson shared that a hazmat oil spill incident had occurred last week and discussed the affiliated procedures. Vinson told commissioners that in this process, two people must report it: the spiller and local Emergency Management.

See related article on page 1.

Vinson will get a bid for materials needed and present this to commissioners at a later date.

A 10-minute executive session with commissioners, Vinson and Legal Counsel Paul Dean for legal discussion in regards to the oil spill was held with Sheriff Heath Samuels also attending. Following the session, no action was taken.

Road and Bridge Superintendent John Schouten shared that he had spoken with Caterpillar and they are going to bring out a backhoe to demo. He noted that, though the bid from John Deere included a lesser amount for trade in, he was going to see if they would provide a demonstration as well. A grader experiencing issues was slated to be taken to Chanute this week for repair. Schouten shared that truck 4 was still in Emporia for repair. This was first brought to the commission’s attention during a previous meeting. Schouten explained that a plastic piece affiliated with the filter was shredded and got into the engine. In regards to hopes that this would be covered under the warranty, Schouten told commissioners that the county had changed the filter, so the warranty will not cover it. During discussion, interest was expressed among commissioners in consulting with legal counsel on the issue.

County resident Jay Luthi came before commissioners to communicate progress and provide information pertaining to an ongoing project.

After questions were posed by Commissioner Paul Hodge, pertaining to the ongoing road mapping project – mapping designation of maintenance responsibilities – Vinson shared that he is still waiting for a response from the Corps of Engineers so it can be completed.

Register of Deeds Marsha Ramsey held an executive session for 10 minutes to afford for legal discussion with Sheriff Samuels also attending. Following the session, no action was taken.

Commissioners held a 10-minute executive session for discussion of employee performance. No decisions were made following the session.

Clerk Kathy Robison noted available trainings through Kansas County Association Multiline Pool (KCAMP). Commissioners discussed staff doing this individually or in small groups so it would be less disruptive to courthouse operations. This will be considered further.

Minutes of the Feb. 5 meeting were approved as written.

Special payables in the amount of $8,535.26 were approved.

Commissioners were slated to hold a scheduled road viewing of 60th Street following their regular meeting.

The next regular meeting of the Greenwood County Commissioners will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 20.


Eureka Herald